Thursday, 24 September 2015

You have the right to offend

Since when have we all become so soft?  And why is it that we all suddenly have the right to be offended over something? I think it's time that society and more particularly generation X and Y harden up! We live in an age of wonders, with ceaseless access to information, services and goods. You would think with all of that we might be a little less uptight.  Yet despite being better off across the board many of us act as if we are more oppressed than ever.  I've had my fair share of abuse, homophobia and moments where I've really feared being myself but I have always avoided the victim mentality.  Why?  Because standing back and whining the phrase "I'm offended" does absolutely nothing.

One thing in the world that has not changed is that it is rough, it's unequal and it's filled with bullies, and that is not going away anytime soon.  It's time we all grow thicker skins.  It's time people stand up for what they believe in, it is our right.  Offend others, it is also our right.  But we cannot not think that we have the right to silence others because it's offensive.  When John Stuart Mill wrote about the Harm Principle, he did not have in mind the feelings of others.  When the American founding fathers added the amendments that became known as the bill of rights, they did not footnote "Unless free speech offends you."  Frankly we do have the right to be bigots*.  If anything the world is becoming more bigoted every day.  It seems as we become tolerate towards sex, race and sexuality we become further intolerant towards ideology, beliefs and any level of opposition we may face.  In the end your opinion is your opinion and if you wish to hold one then you must let others have opinions that you see as offensive, regardless of how much it hurts for delicate little feelings.  

*Bigotry: intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.

We create a real problem when we stop empowering victims and instead start creating them.  Civilization has had to fight many battles and I assure you that none were won upon a victim mentality.  Jesus did not hang from the cross while beckoning "That's not fair" and Nazi Germany didn't fall to it's knees when Europe said "that's offensive".  Simply, life is about fighting, and silencing others does not mean you win, it means you're just oppressing the opposition. It means you're the problem and not the solution. 

So now imagine an offence free world.  Imagine comedy?  As a gay I know offence and the use of shade is our main source of communication and frankly, it keeps me mentally active. Imagine a government that has to tip toe around words, policy and promises to avoid offence.  Imagine a media that can't offend others. Nothing would get done! Yet if a majority of Tumblr users ruled the world that is what we would have to endure.  Now things do get said that hurt, of course! That does not mean we should be romanticizing the victim lifestyle.  It's time we all toughen up.  We have real issues in the world, so forgive me but I could not care less if I offend you.  I want to offend you.  I want you to challenge my views, fight me and convince me to side with you.  And if you fail, be able to let go and move on.  You have the right to be offended, but I have the right to offend you and I promise that I will.

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